Friday, November 2, 2007

Sorry for the delay

You may have noticed a distinct lack of posting for the last month or so. Is it because we've been having so much fun we just haven't had time to post? Is it because we're so desperately unhappy that we can't bear to rehash our misery in blog form? Did I break all my fingers in a bizarre kayaking accident?

No, we just lost our internet connection at the house. We use a University wireless network, and the access point closest to us stopped working. So now we're waiting for ITS to come out and fix it. They've been here twice already, but they have fallen short on fixing it. I do have a few posts saved up that I will upload soon. (I thought I had them on my thumb drive, but apparently not...)

Until then, a funny moment with Thing2:

Thing2, playing with a milk tanker truck
"Mom, this is the cow truck"
Puzzled expression on his face.
"How do they get the cows in there?"