Monday, March 30, 2009

More exciting wildlife

So coming back from the mainland today, following doctor and dentist visits, the Things and I were outside toward the bow of the boat (Sweetie was upstairs), when I saw some sort of thing in the water and the boat suddenly slowed down and veered to starboard. I saw a big disturbance in the water, and then further off to port three gray (I think) whales surfaced. I quickly grabbed the boys, "Guys, look, whales!". That first view was the best - head, back and tail. We saw spouting a few more times before they headed for the depths. It was my first real whale sighting - ever - and was intensely cool. Sweetie had been dozing off when we encountered them, but also got to see them. It was nice of the captain to slow down so we could see them.

We did see one other fin shortly after that, but it's unclear what it was. Might have been a porpoise (according to Sweetie). It was very black and about porpoise size.

Back on the island now with another trip to the mainland looming...

1 comment:

Bill Nelson said...

Okay, someone else on the boat thought they were probably fin whales, not grays. They were still really cool.