Monday, July 2, 2007


Life these days seems a never-ending string of lasts. Starting way back in April with my last day of work (although I've been back to the Institute many times since), we've had Thing 1's last day of school, and his last Tiger Cub meeting, Sweetie's last class, Thing 2's last day at daycare. My parents have been down for the last time, and when my Mom recently left, she took our cat with her, so we had our last week with him.

There's been a parade of goodbye dinner parties. We've recently hosted my former group from work, friends from NIH days, friends from Chapel Hill, and friends from Bucknell. There has been an element of the ridiculous surrounding
these last two, since we have only seen these people a few times since they moved into the area. There's always been plenty of time to see them, so we never did, and now that we're leaving, we're trying to shoehorn in a last visit with them.

Our leave date has now taken the form of impending doom. What with Sweetie and the boys leaving at the end of this week (due to a schedule change),
everything is imminent, which ramps up the stress level unbelievably. We still have furniture and a car to get rid of. Packing is not done. The camping equipment is not fully laid out. (And here am I working on my blog...) The house is still showing. I have a list of 15 things to do of which I did parts of 3 today. And there's a holiday coming up on which we will spend a last afternoon at a friends house and pool. I've been going there almost annually since I graduated from Bucknell. We are so very out of time.

I guess I need to get back to doing something productive. It's sort of my last chance.

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