Enough of the parks already! We're exhausted! So today, we go somewhere with a slower pace. Old Town San Diego.
We learned quite a bit about California history, the mission/presidio era, the Mexican era, the rancho era, the US/Mexican war. We also learned about some of the families that lived in old San Diego and how they lived. We saw one house in which descendants of the original family lived until 1968.
It was very interesting to learn about how cow hides were basically cash back then, and many of the goods you owned were bought off trading ships that happened by on occasion. You could order things from back east, but who knows if or when they'd ever arrive.
We took a tour, had a picnic lunch, visited the blacksmith, and the stage station, where we learned about the various routes from the midwest to the west and how to hold the reins for a team of six horses. Thing 1 was pretty interested in it all; Thing 2, not so much. So we made an early (for this vacation anyway) day of it, and returned to the hotel for some swimming in the pool.
The pool at the hotel is only 3ft deep, which is great for our Things. I didn't have any serious concerns about drowning since either one could always simply stand up. Stress free swimming, good.
Back to exhaustion tomorrow.
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