The First Law of Thermodynamics has been paraphrased as "you can't win."
The disposal is now fully installed - a minor victory in this war, made less sweet by the fact that we had to hire mercenaries (well, a plumber) to seal it. But, you can't win. In order to position the drain pipe in the proper location, the plumber had to cut a 6 in x 1 ft hole in our freshly painted family room wall. Looks like the painters will have an additional task when they return to paint the kitchen.
I suppose "you can't win" could be renamed 'the First Law of Stuffmart' (our non-specific name for any big box home improvement center). Here is a typical trip to Stuffmart.
Attempt to find parking space.
Attempt to find parking space free of cart.
Enter store to realize you left planned returns a) in the car, or b) at home.
Begin walk of the damned through aisles looking for item you know you saw during your last trip.
Realize that your last trip was to the Stuffmart on the other side of town that has an entirely different layout and/or inventory.
Continue walk of the damned until you locate items similar to those you need.
Attempt not to curse out loud as you realize that everything but the thing you're looking for is there.
Grab something anyway in a vain hope that it will be an adequate substitute.
Take purchases to the front of the store (as directed) because it's ten o'clock and the store is now closing.
Go home.
Discover that item will not be an adequate substitute. (This occasionally includes a 'catastrophic failure' step.)
Add item to pile of returns.
One interesting wrinkle I encountered this evening was entering the store to realize the paint chip and drawer handle I had brought had fallen out through a hole in my pocket in the parking lot. No lie.
On the brighter side, or at least more sentimental, was that today my team held a lunch for me. They invited everyone who had ever been a part of the team. After lunch, I was presented with a cake and a DC United away jersey, which I thought was a very sweet, thoughtful gift. While touched by the whole event, I didn't feel sad, but very satisfied with my time here. It's a nice feeling.
So maybe I did win, just a little bit. (Don't tell thermodynamics.)