Saturday, June 23, 2012

Adventures in Cuisine #3

Today I had some pizza, pasta, and a salad. I liked the pizza the best. The pizza had a nice texture. The salad I liked, and I was very impressed by it.  The pasta comes last on the list. The only reason I did not like it was because of the sauce on it. Today I'll give the ratings to you easy:

overall scoreA


Friday Morning Music said...

I like pizza too. Last week I had a pizza with gorgonzola cheese. It has a very strong flavor like blue cheese. The fun thing about pizza is that you can change the toppings to anything you want. So try different things on your pizza and find out what tastes good.

Friday Morning Music said...

I like pizza too. Last week I had a pizza with gorgonzola cheese. It has a very strong flavor like blue cheese. The fun thing about pizza is that you can change the toppings to anything you want. So try different things on your pizza and find out what tastes good.